
We know
the industry

As veterans of the property finance industry, we have undertaken millions of dollars in transactions. Partly owned by one of Australia's leading real estate investment managers, we benefit from an institutional grade credit assessment system and process. Learn more about our people.


The right advice
when you need it

We aren't computer generated algorithms or robots. We are real people and we understand property. And we are always happy to assist with your queries.


Pre-funding on
approved projects

Following Credit Committee approval and documentation your loan would typically be funded first with available Peer Estate working capital facilities before investors then fund through investment participations. This approach maximises borrower certainty and helps reduce time to loan funding.


Loan management

We actively monitor your loan to ensure that we can assist you all the way through, no matter what happens. You only need to deal with us and you can rest assured we always act in the best interests of both our borrowers and investors.


Talk to us any time

We pride ourselves on keeping clear channels of communication open, so please feel free to call us with any queries.

Have a project that needs funding?

Enquire about borrowing today!

Contact Us
Peer Estate, an authorised representative under the Qualitas Securities P/L A.S.F.L. 342242